E r i c  P e t t i f o r

L ong ago, Eric was born, became fully bipedal, and developed language skills. Throughout his public school education he held on to his love of the arts, especially writing. He thought it was that which made programming so irresistable initially -- it was like magic writing that produced effects, even in the absence of a reader or audience! Astonishing.
I n his one life there were sublives. As a youth, the Canadian Numismatic Association awarded him the title of Junior Numismatist of the Year one year. Then he got into theatre, then studied psychology at university, then was sucked completely into the world of computers and the internet.
L ove of theatre was reawakened in him in 2011 when an old friend from theatre days invited him back to Calgary to teach acting. He had long thought that he would make a good teacher, but had a deep antipathy for the institutions within which teaching takes place, so never pursued it.
L n 2012 he cofounded Artists' Collective Theatre with Amanda Liz Cutting and worked on that with her til 2016. After that, he worked independently for a time before changing his name and becoming someone else. He had done opera, directed Shakespeare, been a standardized patient at the Foothills Hospital, as well as written some plays. He had a BA in archaeology and psychology from Simon Fraser University, and was a graduate of the Vancouver Playhouse Acting School. He also worked in IT for a time.
I n respect of history, writing credit for the papers he put online remain in his name. We must respect history; some of it we may wish to repeat, a lot of it we will want to avoid.

Papers written by Eric Pettifor....


From the Teeth of the Dragon (Gigantopithecus blacki)
An Offer You Can't Refuse (Human Sacrifice and the Aztec State)
Cooking Clan of the Cavebear Style!
Altered States: The Origin of Art in Entoptic Phenomena
The Reburial Contoversy (a general overview and exploration of a method for resolution of the ethical dilemma)


Archetypes of the Individuation Process
Becoming Whole : Applied Psychosis (A comparison of Buddhist enlightenment and Jungian individuation)
Beyond Dichotomies (Health and Values in Maslow's Holistic Dynamic Theory)
Episodic definition of self actualization
Needs Hierarchy
B(eing) Values
Buddhist Psychology
Personality Development in Kittens
Dark Buddha (Moral Responsibility in Apocalypse Now)


The True Religion (Functional levels of religious understanding))
Farewell His Child's Fear (a short story)
Ladybug (a short story)
Gravel (a short story)
Correction (a short story)

Eric Pettifor <eric@pettifor.org>

Hosted for Others

The Conjoint Evolution of Creativity and Consciousness (A Developmental Perspective)

by M. Allan Cooperstein, Ph.D.

Ferenczi's Mutual Analysis (A Case Where the Messenger was Killed and his Treasure Buried)

by Sharon R. Kahn, Ph.D

Jung and the Nazis

by Mark Medweth

The Music and the Muse (An Identity for Kumar Gandharva)

by Prateeksha Sharma

From Procrustes to Proteus (Disempowerment, Actualization, and Empowerment)

by M. Allan Cooperstein, Ph.D.

An Analysis of Carl Rogers' Theory of Personality
and Rogerian Therapy

by Dagmar Pescitelli

Shakespeare's The Tempest (A Jungian Interpretation)

by M. Allan Cooperstein, Ph.D.

Zen and the Art of Imitating the Ineffable

by John E. McCloud

Shoes and Sox Dream Group

by Shoes and Sox Dream Group


by H. Braley

The Man Who Lived on a Farm

a short story by Amy, age 6

External Links

Deimon Slagg (an actor fellow)
Ania Danylo (a writer friend)